Best Room Heater in India - Buying Guide

Are you not sure which Room Heaters to pick? Need help finding the best Room Heaters for you?
We know how important it is for you to make an informed choice before you buy a heater, which is why we provide a detailed guide that can help you make a better choice. We all want to stay warm when it's cold outside so let's have a look at choosing a heater that's right for you.
Firstly think about the space you're trying to heat if it's a smaller, closed in space electric heaters are a great choice for safety reasons and they're cheaper to buy whereas a gas heater is a better option for larger rooms because they heat the room quickly and cost-effectively so spending a bit more on buying one can reduce your long-term heating costs.
Types of heaters available in India
There are many types of heaters available in India depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some key differences between them all.
Convection Heaters: This room heater works on the principle of convection. It heats up by blowing hot air into the room by the help of a fan that's at the bottom or top part of the convection heater depending on its orientation.
Radiant Heaters: These types of heaters work on the principle of radiation and they function by heating up objects in proximity to them instead of blowing air around like convection heaters do.
Comparison of various types of room heaters Based on heating efficiency, safety features, noise level, and more- we compare various types of room heaters to help you find just the right one for you.
Fan Heaters (Convection): Fan heaters are a great alternative for heating during inclement weather, with the added benefit of being cheaper. They are also easy to maintain and clean with a simple wipe down or blow from time to time.
Pros: They don't require as much electricity as an electric heater would because they use convection heating technology.
Cons: The downside is that fan heaters can't warm up an entire room or space because their air circulation is limited by their design and exhausts through the back of the device.
Infrared Heaters or Halogen Heaters: Infrared heaters are a great option for those who want to warm up a small space. They are excellent at warming up any small area quickly.
Pros: These are quite cheap, best to warm up a small space, heater can heat up any small area quickly, not safe around children
Cons: If you have kids, you need to be careful about the safety of infrared heaters because they emit infrared radiation which is very dangerous for children.
Oil Filled Room Heaters Oil filled room heaters are perfect for people who want to stay warm. One of the best things about oil filled heaters is that they can provide warmth to a room for hours, even days.
Pros: They are quieter than standard convection heaters and can be left unattended for long hours without any worries.
Cons: These take a little longer to get heated and spread the warmth.
Conclusion: In this article, we have done a brief research on the types of heaters and how to choose the best one. We hope that our research will help you in making a wise decision when buying a heater for your household.
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